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You'll never guess what one of our most requested added features is ...
Pet doors can be very useful and pets enjoy them very much. A pet door can allow you to control when your dog or cat goes through the door to the outside, into another room, or wherever it is that you decide to install the door.
If you don't like your pet to roam free outside, there are outdoor pet enclosures you can build/purchase that will allow your fury friend to feel as though he is free and outside! You will be able to put a window pet door or other type of pet door in between your house and the enclosure to allow your pet to go out whenever he pleases.
When buying a door for your pet, it can be somewhat confusing to figure out which one is the best since there are so many varieties. Some pet doors are put in through a wall, some through a door, and some in screens. You can also have a window door. All of these just depend on your preference and how your home is laid out. However, there are a few other things to consider when buying a door for your pet. You'll have the option of buying one where your dog or cat can simply go outside anytime he wants, but you may not like this idea. It's not always a good idea to let your pet out at all times. Also, you may feel a bit unsafe with these types of pet doors because it may make it easier for unwanted animals and other things to come into your home.
If you have a problem similar to this that's stopping you from getting a door for your pet, your answer might be an electronic pet door. The electronic pet doors sense a key that will be on the collar of the pet you wish to allow to go outside. The door will not open until it senses this key. This will allow your little buddy to go outside when he wants, but will keep other unwanted animals from coming into your home. Also, security is much better with these electronic pet doors because a human will not be able to get through them. The electronic pet doors will also make it possible for you to keep one pet inside while allowing another one to go outside, if for some reason you do not want both of your pets outside.
Whether you want an electronic door, a window door, or a pet door that goes into a screen or a sliding glass door, ask your PATCO design/team for suggestions, we'll help you find one that suits your needs and your pet's needs!


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